Delang Wiki

Ьаłδƕ, семасін!

Мас ін δеδом нҩѡƕ ҩнмас ƒłеселітсі. Fамес ҩнас ані нҩті, δеьҩьіна сyłто. І δеƒомі ҩнас δесеłе ҩнƕамас тҩҫе нҩті. Нҩ ас δепоzаłδе нҩті. Ані аньҩље, і ас гłо ані ѡанƒерот мін інтеłƒҩłмі. Ас ҩнј вас зетемпенј ьѡесі δетаłδƕ мітеłі.



/qaɹd/, /zema:zin/!

/ma:z in dedu:m nɔw ɔnma:z fɹezelitzi/. /fame:z ɔnaz ani nɔti/, d/eqɔqina zyɹtu:/. /i defu:mi ɔnaz dezeɹe ɔnha:maz tɔʃe nɔti/. /nɔ az depu:ʂaɹde nɔti/. /ani anqɔɭe/, /i az gɹu: ani wanfexut mi:n inteɹfɔɹmi:/. /az ɔnj vaz zetempe:nj qwezi detaɹd miteɹi/.



Greetings, friends!

We're settled in our new house. My wife enjoys it, specially the kitchen. And my children also enjoys their own rooms. But I enjoys the backyard. It's a mound, and I'll transform it to a small railroad. I'll send you some pictures later.

Running trains!


  1. This word does not appear in the dictionary as it's the verb to ƒеłотін, train. In Delang you can compose verbs from any noun by, in most cases, adding an 'I' to the end of the noun. It's composition and usages follows that of ƒеłот, railroad - ƒеłоті, railroading/traveling by rail, and ҩто, car - ҩті, traveling by car.